Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Murdoch & Murdoch: A Public British Bashing

The following is a PhotoBlog comparison of the televised events that took place July 19, 2011.

This 3-hour barrage of questioning was similar to observing two gladiators battle for their lives within the confines of a Roman Colosseum. However, instead of two well buffed combatants armed with steel and spear defending themselves from hostile opposition, we have to endure and watch these two characters bear witness:

Thanks to @KeithWildman for this amazin’ Twitpic.

The axes were lobbed to and fro across the horseshoe-shaped table, as father and son were set to testify of any background knowledge of these scandalous accusations known around the globe as “HackGate”.

While news coverage of these proceedings saturated the airwaves, I had to bear in mind the level of objectivity most networks would have to honor while broadcasting these lines of questioning. One broadcast network in particular, Fox News, sprang into the forefront to make its required presence along side of their news covering rivals.
Fox News’ involvement with this case carries a multi-tiered array of involvement as Murdoch & Murdoch are indeed owners of said Fox News. Which means Fox News would make darn sure that the representation of the two head-honchos would need to be minimalisticly demonizing as possible while its being televised.
The energy saver light bulb in my head illuminated as I decided to track how fairly and balance(ly) would Fox portray the attacks from the British Assassination Squad. How do you ask? By of course, the use of softening the offensive blows with less-than incriminating bulletins spackled with streaming banner-text across the screen.
Let’s see how Fox’s graphics compares to their lesser known rival CNN and their use of well-timed banners addressing the overall presentation.
The saying is that a picture’s worth 1000 words, but strategic words on that picture can illustrate an entirely different story altogether. Both networks appear to be quite parallel with one another as far as their word selection, but notice the gradual contrast and digression of tone between both networks:

CNN provided very succinct and factual updates whereas Fox might as well have been playing a very sympathetic violin solo in the background… There was severe case of repetition on Fox’s behalf, most of the captions were used over and over again, evoking a sense of sympathy to the viewer.

Now that these CEOs have the luxury of hindsight, after getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar so to speak, they can express their “deepest sympathies”. Just like a mischievous 12-year old, they promise never to do it again (with their fingers crossed behind their backs no less…) Who could have foreseen that the News Corp. mogul was mere minutes away from an assault a la “shaving cream” pie?

Jolly good show Sir Jonnie Marbles!!! You have won the hearts of many more fans across the globe for this noble deed.
After the excitement levels began to wear off, the two titans of industry was able to clean themselves up, dust off the additional layer of public shame that was just bestowed upon them, and finish the last line of questioning. How poetic, this event ended just as it started, this time with Murdoch eating his shaving cream flavored humble-pie.

Aside from this devious scandal, the overall theme of conduct upheld by Murdoch & Murdoch was very typical of their brood. Both were able to deflect any blame and ownership of malicious tactics; teetering back and forth of acknowledging their roles with within their corporation and blasting their subordinates. 

Murdoch, Jr. would use typical delayed reactions toward answering most questions by always addressing/re-addressing the interviewer and rephrasing the question on numerous occasions. Murdoch, Sr.’s body language displayed visible discomfort throughout the entire session, his notable fist pounds on the desk projected an aging alpha male form of aggression.

Either way, for their corporation to operate under the guise of being fair and balanced is so distant from their wicked realities. Fox News, under the News Corp umbrella, has maintained a landslide of scrutiny when it comes to objectivity and favoritism while participating in raking up 32-billion dollars in annual revenue. Given News Corp.’s history toward political donations, even more persecution was brought onto their billionaire-boys club for only aiding the Republican Governors Association. 

I question whether or not if this is far from ethical example of journalism would be acceptable for the world’s 2nd largest media conglomerate; would they truly want other institutions to follow suit?

 This is the worst kind of oxymoron to represent a corporation, however, I would rather place emphasis on the suffix instead by removing the "oxy".

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Meet "The Bachmanns" Chapter 2

Data taken from

Investigate the Bachmann clinic's anti-gay therapy

The Bachmann family clinic has received more than $137,000 in federal funds and provides therapy to convert gays to heterosexuality. Her clinic could be using taxpayer money to promote praying away the gay.

Join our request to the Department of Health and Human Services to investigate the Bachmann clinic's use of Medicaid money.


Dallas' Running of the Bulls

Last week, thousands of people lined the streets with enhanced levels of excitement and anticipation.
Many people have gathered around from various lands to participate in an extreme act of desperation that was observed by many spectators to survey the carnage at hand.
Once the announcement of this event spread throughout the masses, a surge of participants made sure that they can maintain their spot ahead of the competitive pack, charging on foot and braving the elements that beseech them.

No, this is not reflecting the time honored Spanish bull-run tradition of 2011 that's full of laughs and leisure:

These refers to the despicable arrangement in Dallas for housing public assistance taking place @ 6AM:

According to Human Services Department director Dr. Zachary Thompson. "Of course, we have people break line, running. That's to be expected." The scores of participants exceeded the department's expectations, but everyone who wanted an application got one in due process.
Mass confusion arose as the police forces where ill-prepared as well, leaving both public managing departments blaming each other for the amount of discord.

Not very surprising, after pulling statistical information from the United States Federal Reserve database, the rate of unemployment has breached nearly 9% of the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington tri-city area (4th place largest metro in the U.S.). Given their population is nearly 6-million, that means over 500,000 without work, many looking for assistance along with those of the working poor engulfed with expenses.

These sort of events are far from isolated, a similar fallout took place in Atlanta less than 1-year ago, where the scale of human desperation reached tidal wave proportions.

Hmmmm- Video Removed... Try again:

When the crowd thinned out at the Tri-Cities Plaza Shopping Center, the parking lot was a sprawling mess of discarded water bottles, crushed soda cans and cigarette packs. Kim Lemish, East Point Housing Authority executive director, said the Section 8 housing applications were made available by the city for the first time in eight years because a waiting list had been depleted.

Of course, it was a listed as day a success coming from East Point officials, as every applicant who arrived and desired an application received the application. Going further, the unemployment rate has reached a new critical high, hitting nearly 11% of the city's population of 5-million.

Was this a glorified game of chess; some mangled scene of sport meant to entertain the populace? Is this fun to watch from a spectator's perspective, watching humans surge about like a swarm of piranha?

There is much debate over the given ratio of people who look and use this kind of public aid. Many associate this course of action as taking hand-outs for the lazy, the term "parasites" have been used in frequent debates as well. There is a level of objectivity that must be used in reviewing a crisis of this magnitude, how are people trying to better themselves so that they are not included in this statistic?

People have an inherent desire to work, to achieve, there is a mechanism within us that has evolved to execute problem solving tactics. The most obtainable solution would be finding someway to support oneself, hence grabbing a spot in line in a job fair may place yourself in a different bracket of opportunity:

An even heavier, weighty debate that concerns many middle class men and women focusing on the very opportunity for jobs and prosperity. It is, very much indeed, the platform based on economic strategists that have outlined theories of "Trickle Down Economics". A platform bearing very obvious results that proved to be impactful to say the least, with constant scenes of desperation that appears to be mirrored with class-favoritism and one-sided rewards.

FAIR USE NOTICE: These videos may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Meet "The Bachmanns"

"Marcus and his wife, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann are the parents of five children and have been foster parents to more than 20 children. The family lives in the St. Croix Valley."

Please, follow me into a visual assessment on how I analyze these series of images within my own personal thought processes:


I'm sure talk show staff writers are overjoyed having The Bachmanns readily available for public ridicule, granting them x-amount of comedic writing potential during a dismal economic reality.
I mean, come on; these antics are beyond laughable and the two of them offer little charismatic and authoritarian weight.

So much blatant hypocrisy that form waves of nausea at times, leaving one curious to know if these roles they artfully portray on an international stage are somehow engineered or fabricated.

Meet "The Bachmanns"