Showing posts with label Marxism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marxism. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

More American Than You: A Marxist Perspective

It is 2011, as I awake with the daylight pouring into my bedroom, my mind recalls of the daily events that have taken place in the USA around me and begin to contemplate. 

Contemplation grows into contempt; bubbling with bitter bewilderment as our nation’s luster and drive for ingenuity has taken a Neanderthalic backslide. 

I rise from my bed to reach for the remote, pondering of what our nation has become, once known for making great strides of security and prosperity, have now become factors of sub-importance in comparison to obvious fascist domination. 

The TV comes on as I continue to watch the constant stream of sludge being funneled onto the airwaves, nothing but brainless commercials, brainless Kardashians, and brainless commercials starting The Kardashians.

Going further into the treacherous television jungle, I encounter a wave of both nausea and déjà vu while watching the national news.  The constant bombardment of political theatrics that have taken place generates a great deal of concern.
The day continues on as I wonder if there are others like me watching this hypocrisy against humanity unfolding. I witness the repetition of the general public allowing madmen and religious zealots rise to power.  Sad to watch representatives such as Michelle Bachmann take center stage to spew such divisive banter that inflames the human nature within us all:

"I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?' Listen to the American people because the American people are roaring right now. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet and we've got to rein in the spending!"

Rein in on spending is code for condoning typical “Starve The Beast” tactics.  Reassuring the proper steps need for systematic class destruction, insofar as reducing/eliminating social programs that do not benefit members of immediate class. It’s the usual scenario once it benefits “them” is when those programs are subjected to the guillotine gala. 

This and the horrendous agenda of propelling an aggressive Christian agenda have created even more polarization that has blanketed our “United States”:

Wow, can somebody find a fruit creamed pie and deliver it to Mrs. Bachmann ASAP please:

With this level of recruitment momentum, you will be more than likely to see more of this frenzied Christian leader spreading his bile across the country as well. There's a favored ratio that Pastor Steven Anderson will (A) run for political office, (B) become ensnared in some gay scandal at an airport Men's bathroom, or (C) all of the above, but who knows in which order:

Such rhetoric has created a mass collective of the mono-chromatic, the collateral dependent, the generational plantation owners. 

Where was all of this momentum during our time of record voter apathy that took place of the Bush era? Has this been modernized and converted into the form of jaded voter outrage with a sudden spark of patriotic dissent? 

“You can’t reason with a mob.”

The slightly cleavage bearing, mid-thigh unveiling Ann Coulter provided this quote, one of the slim array of words we all can agree with.


Oh Ms. Coulter, with your glittery “come hither” wardrobe, you inspire many instinctive emotions, the dominant emotion includes inducing my gag reflex. 

I’m pretty sure I understand how she can maintain her slender/aerodynamic figure; she feeds upon the gullibility and paranoia of most Americans, and is able to regurgitate her views upon the general public.

With the deadline of our country’s next Presidential debate looming over like an oversized doomsday Timex, another instance of déjà vu has begun to creep over many citizens.

Another evangelical based, self-righteous, Republican governor from Texas has lassoed his way onto the American consciousness.

Some might have to preform a double-take when reviewing the bibliographies of the two politicians, one might have thought an underground laboratory would have successfully created a field of synthetic Republican monsters with the use of using the similar strains of DNA back in the 1950's.

Both Rick Perry and George W. Bush (attended the same Texas Tarrytown United Methodist Church) carry similar work related philosophies, where it’s all about “gettin’ started and workin’ hard at fixin’ problems by rollin’ up our sleeves,” and such. 


Can you imagine? If Perry is elected, having a repeat of near identical Presidential iconography, transitioning from of the most vile legacies of “leadership” into another. Such actions would appear to be very much business as usual, only to prove positive of the necessity of keeping Republican regulation firmly intact.

Yes, dance and sing Karl Rove; rub your hands with villainous content as such political tactics have begun to mold in your image. 

Regulations set by his regime made sure that corporate-biased obligation would reform the democratic rights that were once set in place “For The People, By The People”. The term of “democracy” stems from its origin during the conception era of the United States demanding liberation from oppressive forces. The modern oligarchy has proven to maintain its dominion by contributing to monopolies with corporate might.

Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican to be President would have plenty to say about corporate bail-outs and I'm positive he would be revolted by their constant involvement mutating our democratic bureaucracy…

“The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. The banking powers are more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. They denounce as public enemies all who question their methods or throw light upon their crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe.”

Nearing the end of the Civil War, in a November 21, 1864 letter to Col. William F. Elkins, Lincoln also wrote,

“We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing its end. It has cost a vast amount of treasure and blood … It has indeed been a trying hour for the Republic; but I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. 
As a result of war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. 
I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless.”

Under the ruse of patriotism, Americana, and the “Christian Way”, our citizens have aligned themselves with this self-destructive mantra. I've made the announcement to many of my family and friends outlining the foreboding dangers of class warfare.  This unfortunate event within our society transcends race, gender, sexuality in voluminous detail.

Many conversations with both my own mother and father would acknowledge this fact and respond with defeatist submission. “Well, that’s just the way of the world” was their individual responses during my minor-confrontations over the phone. 

To my surprise, they tend to downgrade my sense of urgency, frequently retorting with a sarcastic, almost insulting, "pat on the head" and "get back to work" rebuttal.  It would appear our mighty American economic system fueled capitalism has been in the worst state of disrepair and many souls are lost, they wander about due to oblivious humanistic ignorance. 

What's funny is that months ago, "Evil For All Time" (E-FAT) is my personal manifesto I wrote also aligns with Marxist ideology. E-FAT corresponds with my blog entries and provides further detail on how religious agendas are the mortar that maintains the walls that divide us. In addition, it holds religious and governmental motives accountable for the breakdown of modern society. I have also mentioned to my father (former United States Marine) with my vocal opposition toward our current state of affairs, it would appear that “I am more American than you”! 

After all, this form of government constantly proves that by entangling itself with corporate cohorts and approved super PACs (Political action committees) would be for more beneficial compared to exceeding the needs of the general public. Obvious submission toward tyrannical rule would have been revered as being Enemies of Liberty and the Colonies during America’s Revolution. 

Maintaining patriotic dissent was the founding reason that created our country’s foundation for the betterment of all citizens with the use of democratic collaboration. The needs of the many will always outweigh the needs of the elitist upper class, and regulating the tax disparity would one method to generate much needed fiscal responsibility.

But… that would be considered to be a “Socialist” act. A treasonous attack toward the collateral dependent, who declare themselves as modern-day “patriots” and boldly drape themselves in the once dignified stripes of Red, White, and Blue.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Starve The Beast: The American Way & Superstructure of Class Destruction

I stumbled across this ad during the commercials on TV:

Orbeez Soothing Spa can be yours for $29.99 plus tax.

Yes, I’m sure this contraption has been marketed for the “upper middle-class” girl who had to handle one too many algebraic equations for one day.

Being sold across the globe, allowing privileged pre-teens to recline and “de-stress”, such a difficult lifestyle to maintain and uphold for such a youngster living within a hostile world.

This theme of pamperage and coddling has been reoccurring throughout the generations, even going as far as enforcing entitlement measures that have created long-standing racial divides.

Anyone lining up to see the new movie “The Help” would be able to easily recognize the social and racial entitlement that was a part of American nomenclature not even 50 freakin’ years ago.

I wonder of the demographic information compiled from “The Help’s” ticket sales, particularly those who find the levels of injustice and demoralization that is the story’s makeup as a form of “heart-warming” entertainment. 

Nevertheless, a theme of pamperage and coddling was very much galvanized during this era, which confirmed the Social Superstructure for the American populace, with race & ethnicity being core contributors. 

The American Way realized a la Kentucky 1937:

It was expected for a certain social group to live their lives among the lowest of the low, to fend for whatever opportunity that has been casted upon them; factories, fields, construction, domestic servitude. Receiving the luxury of formal education was, for most, a cultural sweepstake with its novelty becoming more and more transparent during the flood of our nation’s job market.

The American Way realized a la Atlanta, Georgia 2009:

Is there some way to categorize this uncaged epidemic as a part of carefully crafted strategy for economic sustainability?

Enter the “Starve The Beast” campaign. According to syndicated columnist and former U.S. Treasury official Bruce Bartlett, its definition:
“"Starving the beast" is a fiscal-political strategy of some American conservatives to cut taxes, depriving the government of revenue that enables spending on social programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, in an effort to create a fiscal budget crisis that would then force the federal government to reduce spending.”

The airways are filled to a deafening level of politicians demanding urgency for cutting immediate “government spending” that have breached the 1-Trillion Dollar mark. Their target programs have been coincidentally designated as “entitlements” that are making social contributions in the hands of the people.
I have developed a visual aide, basically through my personal interpretation on the dynamics of this potential cataclysm they are so desperate to enact:

I have visualized our national budget in the form of a septic tank that many Americans have in their backyards.

In fact, here is a more literal diagram of the building-blocks of the septic tank itself:

Notice the pipeline set in place that pumps the sewage and sludge into the cavernous pit, ensuring that the homeowners’ refuse is discarded with the hopes never to be seen again.

Well, over time and left unchecked, the sludge can become sedimentary and its backflow will form layers of sludge to an unmanageable degree. Then creating a homeowner’s worse nightmare: Septic Tank Overflow. The sight, smell, texture, and long-standing effects of this event would be something we all would strive to avoid at all costs.

However, this schematic of septic tank overflow can relate to our current economic crisis, with the sludge of our spending causing the “budget tank” to buckle breaching structural integrity.

If you translate the diagram above and fuse it with our budget concerns, you can see the drastic similarities of unchecked government spending according to recent Congressional data:

I will be celebrating my 30th birthday within 6-months, of those 30-years, nearly 20 of my years living in on this Earth have been spent under Republican Rule. Those 20 years were also occupied by tremendous exaggeration of government spending year by year, generating levels of debt unseen by the years before.


The current President made great strides to assure that changes would be made through various means of bipartisan corporation. By some means, if you have been completely removed from society and emerged from mountain-living for the past 5-years, one might surmise that very little change has been made at all. In fact, a sharp decline in American prosperity can be arguably assumed from the disconnected few. To be honest, after observing 20-years of conducting governmental business practices that would ensure “conservative” establishment, one might also surmise that installing a “fall-guy” commander-in-chief would be an eloquent exit from previous Republican Rule. 

After all, they wouldn’t want to relinquish their power so easily and lose years worth of diligent momentum now would they?

Of course, the government’s method to keep the budget in check is to tax the American citizens, as the government is very eager to arrange that transaction as frequently and plentiful as possible. The problem is that, many of those aforementioned 20-years were operated under the guise of substantial tax cuts/tax breaks for certain individuals in our society. Individuals earning incomes within the tippy-top 10 percentile have been enjoying executive privileges by avoiding the level of taxation the remaining 90% are mandated to pay from our wages.

So, by removing what could have been a large chunk of tax revenue from the super wealthy, the government is forced attempting to “squeeze blood from turnips” in order to pay for our nation’s backflow of debt. Rising costs of war, both internationally and domestically, have in turn made members of a certain class wealthier than before. Above it all, the invoice is routed right back to the government for the lowly taxpayers to cough up the cash. Those individuals who are able to amass their wealth during this time period can run for office to ensure the perpetual cycle can run its course unaffected. 

Flooding the budget with debt would cause for public demand for balance and correction, by any means necessary. Connecting our bursting Septic Sewage Tank analogy to our Debt Sewage Tank predicament that is stinking and spilling our lawn. 

Their sense of urgency for cutting immediate “government spending” will target “entitlement” programs that are critical for low-waged families and households. According to their plan, once those programs have been reduced or removed (hence “Starving The Beast”) ***TA-DA*** the budget can now be balanced and all is well with the world!

Success! All for the sake of attaining the lofty goal of The American Way, exploitation in its purest/capitalist form, on stage for the world to see.

If and when the “Starve The Beast” campaign reaches completion, the lines of social division will be fortified for generations to come. The American middle class ideal will become a thing of the past, much like the steam engine and the fax machine (oh, people still use those things, ooops, you get the idea…). Simply leaving the 90% of the population, the poorest of the poor, enslaved in desperation.  With reduced or zero federal aid, these individuals have no choice but to work. Work until their arthritic limbs are mangled and untreated (by the way, whenever you go to Wal-Mart, if you see Carl Grossman, be sure to say hi, he’s a World War II veteran).

Work for the upper-classmen for laughable wages. Working for a meal, living amongst themselves, clinging to life in the slums down below.

All of whom will be tending to the needs of an unattainable society, the shiny supreme land owners of the north. The little girls, after a strenuous day, coming home from their ballet try-outs, will be able to submerse their dainty feet into their scented and synthetic Orbeez Soothing Spa.

We should be grateful of the wondrous opportunity the Orbeez Company has bestowed upon us to work in their production plant to create their catalogue of products in enthusiastic demand. It is with great regret to inform you that said plant is not in America; the label on the Orbeez Soothing Spa says “Made in China”…

Check out the active petition hosted by who are making strides ensuring all Americans, including the billionaires, are taxed without exceptions.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Here's a new equation for you to ponder over:

Guns + God x Blackwater = Loafers Grenades (???)

There is a great margin of duty and responsibility bestowed upon what many have unconventionally labeled as the great "American Burden". It has been a mantra that has been written in patriotic stone to wage genocidal war for the sake of spreading democracy. Given our county's prominent display of imperialistic conquest, we have earned a world-wide reputation of a shoot-first "with guns blazing" set of mannerisms. 

What can also be taken into consideration is the acquired gun culture the United States have maintained for centuries, most likely enabled by our 2nd Amendment rights to bear arms ( along with the estimated 5,000 gun shows take place each year in the U.S.  according to Michael Bouchard, Assistant Director/Field Operations of ATF).

Furthermore, the U.S. Armed forces are fulfilling the need to exercise a rather boastful obligation for the rest of the world to uphold ideals of righteousness and independence. As seen below, a warrior's plea towards those who have become increasingly apprehensive about our country's Middle Eastern engagement.

Unfortunately, I was one of many who was not able to cultivate sympathies for this wayward solider. An arcane desire to willfully put oneself in the line of hostile artillery for the sake of using government issued weaponry has not justified the concept of foreign bombardment. This "American Burden" of engaging war-minded activities for the sake of “democracy” and “liberty” is a masquerade, a farce.
Instead, our country has remained steadfast in its war profiteering programs, our contributions funding wars (both in economic cost and human lives) are double and triple (quadrupled?) in comparison to other countries as well.

Studies have shown our country's priorities of war and education has been deemed to be a comedy of errors. Which proves to benefit a certain sector of stock holders invested in war with Capitalistic intention, the means to turn a profit no matter the cost.

The "progress" made by our troops both achieved thus far and to be determined have been victories that have yet to make any substantial impact on the daily lives of those living on American soil. If anything, these crusade-like activities have only "stirred the hornet's nest" creating anger and discord across both shores. A timely incident that reflected an occupied region's level of discontent toward an over-zealous dictator who prioritize his own self-interests over those of the indigenous people (duck, Leather-Loafers INBOUND!!!) was a modernized version of the shot heard 'round the world:

There has been punitive evidence placing a spotlight toward recent presidential campaigns that have made our international occupations comparative to a rich man expensive game of chess. There has been a increase of private military outfits that have been constructed and heavily engaged in heavy-arms combat. A clandestine group previously known as "Blackwater" (recently changed their name to "Xe" pronounced "Z") have distinct ties to our government's branches of defense that have been aggressively fighting for, again, the sake of spreading democracy.

Resources used to fund these and other countless projects engineered to support our troops locked in combat ultimately must derive from an outside source. A source that virtually untapped and is nearly self-replenishing that can enable mounds of surplus streams of cash. That source has been the national budget that was meant to sustain our country's growth and means for prosperity. As shown in the collection of insurmountable debt that has done nothing but reach critical mass levels with no signs of debt stabilization.
Illustration pertains to recorded data pulled from our very own Congressional Budget Office ( These debts originated fulfilling the needs of our great "American Burden". The invoice for this ultimate cost are increasingly redistributed and paid into forms of gross taxation, specifically targeting individuals of certain lower class and rank amongst society. A former President's "War on Terror" has and will cost taxpayers a great deal, in regards to monetary disregard and overall cultural detachment.

View the counter linked below that provides a "real-time" ticker of the rising costs of war orchestrated by fellow humans demonstrating power beyond our control:

Recent activities of war have been executed solely for the means of occupying foreign territories and exploit its resources to increase profit margins.  The costs of war, affected in both physical and metaphysical needs across the globe, are losses that have proved to become less than genuine as the decades progresses.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Murdoch & Murdoch: A Public British Bashing

The following is a PhotoBlog comparison of the televised events that took place July 19, 2011.

This 3-hour barrage of questioning was similar to observing two gladiators battle for their lives within the confines of a Roman Colosseum. However, instead of two well buffed combatants armed with steel and spear defending themselves from hostile opposition, we have to endure and watch these two characters bear witness:

Thanks to @KeithWildman for this amazin’ Twitpic.

The axes were lobbed to and fro across the horseshoe-shaped table, as father and son were set to testify of any background knowledge of these scandalous accusations known around the globe as “HackGate”.

While news coverage of these proceedings saturated the airwaves, I had to bear in mind the level of objectivity most networks would have to honor while broadcasting these lines of questioning. One broadcast network in particular, Fox News, sprang into the forefront to make its required presence along side of their news covering rivals.
Fox News’ involvement with this case carries a multi-tiered array of involvement as Murdoch & Murdoch are indeed owners of said Fox News. Which means Fox News would make darn sure that the representation of the two head-honchos would need to be minimalisticly demonizing as possible while its being televised.
The energy saver light bulb in my head illuminated as I decided to track how fairly and balance(ly) would Fox portray the attacks from the British Assassination Squad. How do you ask? By of course, the use of softening the offensive blows with less-than incriminating bulletins spackled with streaming banner-text across the screen.
Let’s see how Fox’s graphics compares to their lesser known rival CNN and their use of well-timed banners addressing the overall presentation.
The saying is that a picture’s worth 1000 words, but strategic words on that picture can illustrate an entirely different story altogether. Both networks appear to be quite parallel with one another as far as their word selection, but notice the gradual contrast and digression of tone between both networks:

CNN provided very succinct and factual updates whereas Fox might as well have been playing a very sympathetic violin solo in the background… There was severe case of repetition on Fox’s behalf, most of the captions were used over and over again, evoking a sense of sympathy to the viewer.

Now that these CEOs have the luxury of hindsight, after getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar so to speak, they can express their “deepest sympathies”. Just like a mischievous 12-year old, they promise never to do it again (with their fingers crossed behind their backs no less…) Who could have foreseen that the News Corp. mogul was mere minutes away from an assault a la “shaving cream” pie?

Jolly good show Sir Jonnie Marbles!!! You have won the hearts of many more fans across the globe for this noble deed.
After the excitement levels began to wear off, the two titans of industry was able to clean themselves up, dust off the additional layer of public shame that was just bestowed upon them, and finish the last line of questioning. How poetic, this event ended just as it started, this time with Murdoch eating his shaving cream flavored humble-pie.

Aside from this devious scandal, the overall theme of conduct upheld by Murdoch & Murdoch was very typical of their brood. Both were able to deflect any blame and ownership of malicious tactics; teetering back and forth of acknowledging their roles with within their corporation and blasting their subordinates. 

Murdoch, Jr. would use typical delayed reactions toward answering most questions by always addressing/re-addressing the interviewer and rephrasing the question on numerous occasions. Murdoch, Sr.’s body language displayed visible discomfort throughout the entire session, his notable fist pounds on the desk projected an aging alpha male form of aggression.

Either way, for their corporation to operate under the guise of being fair and balanced is so distant from their wicked realities. Fox News, under the News Corp umbrella, has maintained a landslide of scrutiny when it comes to objectivity and favoritism while participating in raking up 32-billion dollars in annual revenue. Given News Corp.’s history toward political donations, even more persecution was brought onto their billionaire-boys club for only aiding the Republican Governors Association. 

I question whether or not if this is far from ethical example of journalism would be acceptable for the world’s 2nd largest media conglomerate; would they truly want other institutions to follow suit?

 This is the worst kind of oxymoron to represent a corporation, however, I would rather place emphasis on the suffix instead by removing the "oxy".